2022/23 YSF Training Squads

Join the CYCSA Squad!
Spring School Holidays Squads (Fri 27.10 – Fri 1.12 – 4 – 8pm)
The CYCSA Youth Sailing Foundation Spring School Holiday Squad provides an ideal introduction to keelboat sailing for sailors aged 13-18 whose sailing experiences range from limited to reasonably competent and is held four times a year during school holidays term.
The Spring 2023 school holiday program will incorporate both Development and the Performance squads…….Get in contact with Maddy for more info…..[email protected]
Summer Holiday Performance Squad
The CYCSA Summer Squad provide sailors with an entry into Youth Sailing Foundation programs. Aimed at active club sailors and sailors who have successfully completed the School Holiday Squad, the Summer Squad allows sailors to develop their keelboat sailing skills, gaining a better understanding of racing knowledge and tactics. Apply Now: [email protected]
Winter Development Squad
The CYCSA Winter Development Squad provide sailors with an entry into Youth Sailing Foundation winter training programs. Aimed at active club sailors and sailors who have successfully completed the School Holiday squad and Summer Squads, the Development Squad allows sailors to develop their keelboat sailing skills, gaining a better understanding of racing knowledge and tactics. Apply Now: [email protected]
Winter Performance Squad
The CYCSA Performance Squad is aimed at sailors who are committed to performing at a high level. The Performance Squad focusses on the sailors’ goals and ambitions including fitness and sailing. Apply Now: [email protected]
Click below to book a course:
For more information, contact
YSF Head Coach: Maddy Salter | [email protected]
or Sailing Operations Manager Greg Allison | [email protected]