Elliott Pathways
Incorporates the popular Australian Sailing Keelboat Program.
A sequential, step by step program that takes you through all the facets of keelboat sailing on our safe and popular Elliott 7’s.
1. Discover Sailing
- 1st Saturday of every Month
- Keelboat sailing for beginners
- One boat per 3-4 people
- Next course
2. Start Crewing
- No pre-requisites
- Intro. to basics of keelboat sailing
- 12 hour course over 2 days
- Next course
3. Start Helming
- Pre-requisite: Start Crewing
- Focus on helming skills and techniques
- Next course
4. Start Spinnaker
- Pre-requisite: Start Helming
- Focus on Spinnaker handling & trimming
- Next course
5. Start Racing
Prepare to race on Wednesday and/or Saturdays
- Learn basic racing rules/manoevres
- Improve results on the race course
- Learn fleet, match & teams racing
- Next course