Cruising Association - CYCSA

Cruising Association

Welcome to the home page of the Cruising Association

The Cruising Association (C.A.) committee is dedicated to creating a welcoming and enjoyable boating community within CYCSA, with a strong emphasis on promoting camaraderie and sharing knowledge among members. These efforts contribute to a vibrant and fulfilling club experience for yacht and powerboat enthusiasts.

Here’s a summary:

Promoting Enjoyment: 
Our main goal is to inspire club members to fully embrace and utilise yachts and power boats. We accomplish this by organising a diverse range of events and activities. You can find specific event information on the CYCSA website events calendar, the CYCSA Cruising Facebook group, or the noticeboard at the club’s reception.

Cruise in Company Events: 
The committee organises Cruise in Company events during the season, typically on long weekends (weather permitting), to different local gulf destinations. This encourages members to sail together and explore new areas.

Sharing Information: 
We promote the sharing of information and experiences among members through social gatherings, such as our recurring barbecues, which help nurture a strong sense of community and camaraderie. These club BBQs typically take place on the 2nd Saturday of every month (see calendar for dates)

Information Base: 
The committee upholds a valuable information resource available on both the CYCSA website and the CYCSA Cruising Facebook group. This resource offers crucial information for both newcomers and seasoned sailors, simplifying the process of planning adventures for our members.

Club Moorings:
Our club maintains moorings in diverse locations, such as Edithburgh, Stansbury, and Black Point. Additionally, we collaborate with other organisations to ensure the ongoing maintenance and improvement of these moorings.

Inclusive Membership: 
Becoming a member of the C.A. is simple; it involves joining in the organised activities that integrate you into the club’s community. The primary objective is to enrich members’ on-water experiences, prioritise safety, and cultivate social connections.

Committee Involvement: 
The committee extends a warm welcome to new members and actively encourages their participation and contributions. If you have some free time and wish to support their initiatives, please feel free to reach out to the club or connect with committee members for further details.

Darren Harvey
Chair, Cruising Association.

Keep up-to-date with cruising events – join our Facebook Group

Cruising Association Committee:
Chair & Treasurer: Darren Harvey
Deputy Chair & Secretary:
Tracey Hutt
Committee Members: Miguel Alemao, Jack Didyk, Israel Dunk, Darren Harvey, Rod Hunter, Tracey Hutt, Michele Bloffwitch, Laura Sime, Julie Verco and Adrian Wotton

Cruising Association Sponsors