Easter Cruise: Kangaroo Island
- Friday 29/3 Depart CYCSA, anchor Rocky Point (some may leave Thurs 28/3 or early hours Fri am)
- Saturday 30/3 Lunch at Penneshaw Pub 1 pm (anchor outside in Christmas Cove or Hogs Bay depending on the weather, monitor VHF Ch 72 for flotilla communication)
- Sunday 31/3 Rocky Point BYO Beach Party from 3 pm (bring a bag of firewood for a communal beach fire and deck chairs)
- Monday 1/4 Depart KI.
More to come…but everyone is welcome.
Safety recommendations: A passage plan to KI and return must be carefully considered. Please evaluate your vessel’s capability, seaworthiness and your own level of skills. If in doubt, seek advice. Skipper holds responsibility and liability.