Past Events from October 7, 2022 – November 19, 2022 – CYCSA

The Cruising Yacht Club of SA hosts many events throughout the year, ranging from fun social gatherings to family events and fiercely competitive racing events and everything in between! Event dates are subject to change, please contact Reception for up-to-date information.

For Racing events please refer to the Racing Documents page for applicable Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions, or check in with the Race office for up-to-date information including any scheduling changes.

Weekly Members Draw – Join us every Thursday evening for your chance to win. (Please note: On Public Holidays, the draw may take place earlier, or the Club may be closed. In such cases, the draw will resume the following week.)

Club Function Booking / Refund Policy
Due to the cost of catering all bookings will be taken as confirmed 72 hours prior to a function and will be invoiced to members accounts accordingly. There will be NO REFUND for non attendance / bookings cancelled after this period.

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Elliott 7s Free Come & Try

Join us for our Elliott 7s Free Come and Try Session! Come down to the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia for a free and fun 1 hour sailing experience. Hitting the water on the clubs fleet of Elliott 7s, the experience will offer a taste of both the club and also a feel of […]

Cruising Assoc BBQ

Come and meet fellow cruisers from the CYCSA and share your stories and ideas. Held on the second Saturday* of the month (unless stated otherwise), from September through to May. In the undercover BBQ area at the CYCSA starting after 6:30pm. All are welcome, BYO everything (BYO plates, cutlery, glasses, food and drinks, or purchase […]

Safety Sunday

Safety Sunday is a Club-level course designed to promote and develop an awareness of boating safety. You’ll learn and practice safety skills to prevent the kinds of incidents which can occur during local offshore and shorthanded racing and cruising. Man overboard, flares, epirbs, marine radio, lifejackets and rafts, offshore rescues all covered. A worthwhile and […]

YSF October School Holiday Squad: Performance

Crusing Yacht Club South Australia Lady Gowrie Drive, North Haven, South Australia, Australia

The CYCSA YSF School Holiday Performance Squad The CYCSA Performance Squad is aimed at sailors who graduate from the Winter Development Squad and who are committed to performing at a high level.  The Performance Squad focusses on high level coaching and race tactics with the goals of competing at national and international events. The program […]

Boating Conversations

Join us for Friday evenings at the Club... Boating Conversations is a popular monthly Club initiative providing a casual platform for like minded members of all experiences to gather for informal conversations and presentations. Topics include – specific boating destinations both local and further afield, boat maintenance and a wide range of other nautical information […]

Canceled Garage Sail

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED The CYCSA Social Activities Association invites you to our Spring Garage 'Sail' from 10am - 1pm in the BBQ area FREE ENTRY The Social Activities Association stall will have a huge variety of goods for sale,just in time for Christmas. Everyone welcome and any item of goods can be sold […]

CYCSA Opening Day

We would like to personally invite and encourage you and your family to be a part of your Club’s Opening Day Annual Sail Past | Sail Past Draw - Participate for your chance to win! The Member’s BBQ Area is the designated BYO area. However, if booked in this area, you are welcome to purchase […]

Marine Academy SSSC

Day 1 Saturday 5 Nov Day 2 Sunday 6 Nov Start Time 0900  

Cruising Association BBQ

Come and meet fellow cruisers from the CYCSA and share your stories and ideas. Held on the second Saturday* of the month (unless stated otherwise), from September through to May. In the undercover BBQ area at the CYCSA starting after 6:30pm. All are welcome, BYO everything (BYO plates, cutlery, glasses, food and drinks, or purchase […]

Seeds for Snapper Open Day

Join OzFish Adelaide Chapter as they launch the 2022 Seeds for Snapper in South Australia. Come along to an information day where you will learn about the Seeds for Snapper project and how you can get involved. You will hear from some of our project partners and seagrass experts to share what’s in store for […]